Sunday, February 27, 2011

Anatomical Tunes

I promise to update you on my creative endeavors shortly, but first a break for some good tunes. Brought to you by my amazing friend and music arsenal, Ms. Bridget!

"Help I'm Alive" by Metric uses some interesting anatomical imagery in their music video. Some of the medical illustrations I definitely recognize! I like the overlapping animations and band video - gives it a lot of depth and it's really interesting to watch. I really enjoy this and I hope you will to!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Handmade Anatomy

Etsy is a wonderful site and I find myself spending more time surfing Etsy than surfing the general internet!

Their mission is to "enable people to make a living making things, and to reconnect makers with buyers. Our vision is to build a new economy and present a better choice: Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade."

My goal is to one day be able to open an Etsy store and make a little money off my creative projects! But first I need to hone my sewing skills (see previous post) and test out my projects on friends and family! Speaking of family, my cousin Sam found this Etsy store called YourOrganGrinder and I just had to share! It is AWESOME!!

Your Organ Grinder!
I love the Brain specimen in a jar! (and the little worms crawling out of the brains are too cute!) That may end up on my desk in the near future! Cheers to Etsy!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The sewing battle begins...

Today I attempted to work on the T-shirt quilt. I purchased some batting and cut a few squares to put in between the fabric and t-shirts. It's a simple straight stitch around the square and then a star pattern to be sure the batting is secure. The first square I did turned out ok, a few problems, but not bad.

The second one did not fare as well. I would hear my machine "burble" or make a weird sound from time to time and when I would flip the fabric over there would be bunches and loops of thread. Just a mess. My googling skills tell me it's a problem with the thread tension. So, I will get out my trusty sewing machine manual to see what advice they give, while I sit on the couch ripping out the utter mess of sewing that I created today.

Here's a lovely photo of my mess. I'd still say today was a success. I identified the problem and I am researching how to fix it. If anyone has advice or solutions, I'd love to hear them!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Not Your Average Valentine!

I'm not a fan of the paper valentines with their cutesy messages and annoyingly adorable cartoons. So when I find something that's a little off the norm, I must share! I found these special valentines at PaperBoy in Chicago today.

Happy Valentine's Day from Holly Hostess and her Parasite Pals!
They are definitely not your average valentine, but love comes in all shapes and sizes! Featured friends are "Dig Dig Louse", "Blinky Eyelash Mite", "Tickles the Tapeworm" and "Zzeezz the BedBug!" Parasite Pals toys are available from Archie McPhee & Co. and they have some other interesting items that may find their way to my doorstep! (The Mustache Party is a MUST!)

Do you make your own valentines? What sort of spin do you add to Valentine's Day?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Blog, New Post!

I wanted to keep a blog of my creative projects that I've started recently and since they are not wedding-related, they don't really belong on my other blog. So today is the birthday of the MedicalArtMofo blog! This blog is named after my Twitter name, which I gained inspiration from a college friend's AIM name. Does anyone even use AIM anymore? I used to use ICQ, not even sure it exists today!

Anyway, I recently learned how to use my sewing machine and I've begun a T-shirt quilt project. Thanks to my friend Kim and her gracious mother Marcia, I now have the tools to have sewing extravaganzas in my own home! I will show my progress but for now I just have photos of the fabric (which took me 2 hours at Joann's Fabrics to pick out...apparently I suck at decision making.) And I organized all of my shirts so I have a plan in place.

I fell in love with the blue skull fabric, but unfortunately there wasn't enough, so I chose a light green polka dot instead (not pictured). But the skull and crossbones with hearts will be used! The brown and green look really good together.

Here are my T-shirts all laid out and organized. I used shirts from my childhood, high school, college and graduate school. So many memories!

I can't wait to share my projects and ramblings with the blogosphere! My goal is to get myself away from my computer screen and create handmade projects that I can sell or give as gifts to friends and family (or just enjoy for myself!)
Thanks and I hope you enjoy and follow my blog!
